Why should students read more?
To reach the student body of U of D Jesuit to encourage reading I have decided to do a poster campaign. I have chosen this for myself for multiple reasons. Projects are regularly assigned at U of D throughout many different classes,. Having said this, when a poster has been an option, I have taken that. I like to think I am a creative person and I believe a poster is the best way I can express my feelings on why students should read more. This is a great way to reach the students of U of D because they walk these halls everyday. On the walls around the school posters are hung and students stop to read about a new meeting occurring, football game, or an upcoming spirit day. Similar to these, my posters will captivate the eyes of the students and explain why reading is beneficial and why they should read more. I plan on my posters to all have the same theme. Each poster will have a title of, "Why YOU should read more!" This phrase will be on top of every poster that is ma...